Art and Archaeology:
The Preservation of the Site

Archaeological Pictures

Area A
The flattened bed-rock and sealed the rock-cut tombs The flattened bed-rock and sealed the rock-cut tombs The flattened bed-rock and sealed the rock-cut tombs Byzantine wall Rock cut installations
End of week tour in Area A  

Area B
Military trench dating to 1948 Rock-cut tombs Rock-cut tombs Stone quarry dating to the Iron Age The sloping natural rock surface

Area B2
Area B2, looking to the north west The dressed stones and the foundation trench of the Persian period expansion of the edifice, looking south west The dressed stones and the foundation trench of the Persian period expansion of the edifice, looking east The dressed stones and the foundation trench of the Persian period expansion of the edifice, looking south The foundation trench and in it dressed stones and a plastered channel of the Persian period expansion of the edifice, looking west
Stone and earth fill above the walls of the Persian period expansion of the edifice, looking south Stone and earth fill above the walls of the Persian period expansion of the edifice, looking south Beginning of excavation into the foundation and later a robber trench of the walls, Persian period expansion Excavation into the foundation and later a robber trench of the walls of the Persian period expansion, looking east The floors of the Persian period structure built above the bedrock: looking south

Area C1
The cover of the underground tunnel and pool 4 (to the right) The cover of the underground tunnel and the flattened rock surface The cover of the underground tunnel and pool 2 (behind) Inside the underground tunnel A stone covered drain leading to the tunnel
Inside pool 1 Inside pool 2 Pool 2 The end of a hard working day Area C from above
Swimming in pool 2 General view of area C1 Preservation work inside the underground tunnel More tunnel and pools Lime kiln
Inside a second underground tunnel Aerial picture of area C1 at the end of the season General picture of area at the end of the season, looking south The rock-cut tunnel D-E, looking north Pottery on the floor, area C1 south
The garden soil above the white flat bedrock Area C1 south, looking east      

Area C2
Emptying the lead coffin The Lead coffin A lead coffin inside a rock-cut tomb A rock-cut tomb The closing western wall of the Iron Age fortress
Aerial picture of the area at the end of 2007 season Inside a second temple ritual bath Iron Age wall after clean-up, looking north Cleaning the Iron Age wall New square to the north
A tree-like pattern on the plaster of the Jewish ritual bath General picture of area, view from the east      

Area C4
Area C4 at the start of the excavations, looking to the south east The foundation trench and the later robber trench of the walls of the Persian period expansion as it was first revealed, looking east The foundation trench and the later robber trench of the walls of the Persian period expansion, looking south The rock cut cliff and the foundation of a supporting wall built later against the cliff, looking north east The rock cut cliff and the foundation of a supporting wall built later against the cliff. Note the robber trench of the wall seen in the opposite section, looking east
The garden soil, flattened bedrock and robber trench of a wall, looking south        

Area D1
The Plastered Vat when first revealed Area D at the start of the excavations Stone pavement in court Walls dating to the Abbasid period Stone pavement inside a room
Work in area D1 Stone wall and lower room, Abbasid period The plastered vat while being excavated Aerial view of area D1 The plastered flat after removal of fill
Two troughs in Abbasid lower room Stone floor from the Abbasid period Stone pavement in court General picture of are at the end of season, looking south Walls of Abbasid 'courtyard building', looking south
Western wall of Abbasid 'courtyard building' Cut in the floor of the palace courtyard Walls of Abbasid 'courtyard building', looking south Open area, north-east of Abbasid 'courtyard building' General picture of the area at the end of season, looking to the north west
Walls and installations below the floors of the Abbasid 'courtyard building' A round pit/ installation cut into the rock and the 'backdoor entrance' into a rock-cut Mikveh (ritual bath) Walls dating to the Hellenistic period under the courtyard of the 'courtyard building' A round crushing basin in secondary use inside the southern hall of the 'Abbasid courtyard building'  

Area D2
General overview of area D2 A Byzantine Store Jar The Iron Age Fortification wall  

Area D3
The white floor of the Iron Age inner court Overview of Area D3 and a Byzantine building Foundation trench of Iron Age wall The white floor of the Iron Age inner court A Byzantine cistern cutting Iron Age wall

Area D4
Mosaic floor restored by Aharoni in 1954 The wine press floor and the screw-press installation The church looking west The bench at the west of the church General picture of the church, looking east
The vat of the winepress A bronze chain for lamp as it was found The paved floor of the passageway south of the church Stone collapse of the northern wall of the church Walls dating to the Iron and Hellenistic periods under the floors of the Byzantine church
Walls dating to the Iron and Hellenistic periods below the Church entrance (narthex) General picture of the area at the end of the dig, looking west General picture of the area at the end of the dig, looking north east    

Area D5
Area D5, looking to the east The Iron Age 'outer courtyard' and a cut below it A wall dating to the Hellenistic period and pottery in its foundation trench A cut into the military trench to the east of the area Walls dating to the Byzantine period built above the white floor of the Iron Age 'courtyard'
General picture of the area at the close of the excavations, looking east Excavations under the Byzantine monastery, looking west      

Area D6
General pictures of the area at the close of the excavations, looking north A wall dating to the Iron Age, looking east The southern casemate walls and floors after re-clean Pottery dating to the Iron Age under the floor of the casemate room Entrance into a rock-cut ritual bath
Byzantine walls and an opening to a cistern Inside a cistern, note the plaster on the wall Area D6 people at the end of the dig    

The columbarium as discovered during the 2006 survey Survey inside the columbarium, 2006 A second entrance to the columbarium discovered in 2007 Sounding into the columbarium 2007 A built partition wall inside the columbarium 2008
The central chamber and a built supporting pillar at the end of the 2008 season Cells in the central chamber, end of 2008 season Cells in one of the side chambers, end of 2008 season The central chamber and door leading to the southern side chamber, end of 2008 season General picture of the columbarium at the end of the 2008 season

Finds from the Site
Byzantine Oil Lamp Drawing of a figure (King?) seated (on his thrown?) on a pottery vessel Window Balustrades from the Royal Palace of Ramat Rahel Bone Jewelry found inside a lead coffin Gold Jewelry found inside a lead coffin
Yahad seal impression found during the renewed excavations lmlk seal impression Seal impression on a jar handle "yh" from Hellenistic period A bronze chain found in the Byzantine church