פרופ' אליאב ליבליך

סגל אקדמי בכיר במנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים
מנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים סגל אקדמי בכיר
פרופ' אליאב ליבליך
טלפון פנימי: 03-6408105
משרד: מינקהוף משפ, 321


Eliav Lieblich joined Tel-Aviv University’s Faculty of Law in 2016. He earned his J.S.D. and LL.M. degrees from Columbia Law School, where he was a recipient of the Norman E. Alexander Fellowship, and an LL.B. from Hebrew University, where he also earned a degree in Islamic and Middle Eastern studies. Prof. Lieblich teaches and researches public international law, with a focus on the laws on the use of force, just war theory, international humanitarian law, and the history and theory of international law. He is currently the inaugural Hans Kelsen Visiting Professor for the History and Theory of International Law at the University of Cologne, and has held visiting professorships at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law, Columbia Law School, and University of Toronto Faculty of Law. He has also taught at the European University Institute's Academy of European Law.

Prof. Lieblich has received the Alon Scholarship for outstanding junior faculty, three Israel Science Foundation (ISF) research grants, the Cegla Prize for Young Faculty, and the Max Planck-Cambridge Prize for International Law (2025).

Prior to his graduate studies, Prof. Lieblich served as a law clerk to Acting Justice D. Cheshin of the Israeli Supreme Court. In recent years, he participated as an expert in various international forums. Prof. Lieblich is the author of the monographs Occupation in International Law (with Eyal Benvenisti), International Law and Civil Wars: Intervention and Consent, and is editor of Elgar's forthcoming Research Handbook on International Legal Theory and War (with Tom Dannenbaum). His scholarship was published, among others, in the European Journal of International Law, the Harvard International Law Journal, the British Yearbook of International Law and the Hastings Law Journal. Prof. Lieblich is also general editor of the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, and a member of the editorial board of Just Security.



2012   J.S.D., Columbia Law School, New York, NY
2009 LL.M., Columbia Law School, New York, NY (cum laude)
2006 LL.B., (magna cum laude) Hebrew University Faculty of Law, Israel

Academic Appointments

2025 University of Toronto Faculty of Law, Distinguished Visitor, Fall 2025
2024-2025 University of Cologne Faculty of Law, Inaugural Hans Kelsen Visiting Professor for the History and Theory of International Law
2022 Columbia Law School, Visiting Professor of Law, Fall 2022
2020-present Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel-Aviv University, Professor of Law
2016-2020 Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel-Aviv University, Senior Lecturer (associate professor)
2012-2016 Radyzner Law School, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, Lecturer (assistant professor)
2017 European University Institute, Academy of European Law
Faculty, 2017 Summer Human Rights Law Course
Northwestern Pritzker School of Law
Visiting Associate Professor, Fall 2017


Full CV

Research Interests and Teaching

International Law, Use of Force, International Humanitarian Law, International Human Rights Law, History of International Law, International Legal Theory, Just War Theory, Intra-State Violence

Representative Publications



Occupation in International Law (with Eyal Benvenisti, Oxford University Press, 2022)


Transnational Asymmetric Armed Conflict under International Humanitarian Law: Key Contemporary Challenges (with Owen Alterman, INSS 2015)


International Law and Civil Wars: Intervention and Consent (Routledge, 2013) (Paperback, 2014)




Whataboutism in International Law, 65 Harvard International Law Journal (forthcoming, 2024)


Wars of Recovery, 34 European Journal of International Law 349 (2023)


How to do Research in International Law? A Basic Guide for Beginners, Harvard International Law Journal (online) (2021)


The Humanization of Jus ad Bellum: Prospects and Perils, 32 European Journal of International Law 579 (2021)


Why Can’t We Agree on When Governments Can Consent to External Intervention? A Theoretical Inquiry, 7 Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 5 (2020)


Between the Paradigms: on the Gaza Rules of Engagement Case at the High Court of Justice (in Hebrew), 43 Iyunei Mishpat- Tel Aviv University Law Review (2020)


The Wrongfulness of Unlawful Consensual Interventions, 79 ZaöRV 667 (2019)


At Least Something: The UN Special Committee on the Problem of Hungary, 1957 –1958, 30 European Journal of International Law 843 (2019)


The Facilitative Function of Jus in Bello, 30 European Journal of International Law 321 (2019)    


The Case against Police Militarization, 23 Michigan Journal of Race & Law 105 (2018) (with Adam Shinar)


Consent, Forcible Intervention, and Internal Justification to Use Force, 111 Proceedings of the American Society of International Law (forthcoming, 2018)


Internal Jus ad Bellum, 67 Hastings Law Journal (2016)


Robot Warfare and the Problem of Bound Discretion (with Eyal Benvenisti) 39 Iyunei Mishpat – Tel-Aviv University Law Review 67 (2016) [Hebrew] 


Cosmopolitanism at a Crossroads: Hersch Lauterpacht and the Israeli Declaration of Independence (with Yoram Shachar), 84 British Yearbook of International Law 1 (2014)


Quasi-Hostile Acts: The Limits on Forcible Disruption Operations under International Law, 32 Boston University International Law Journals 101 (2014)


Show us the Films: Transparency, National Security, and Disclosure of Information Collected by Advanced Weapons  and Monitoring Systems under International Law, 45 Israel Law Review 459 (2012)


Intervention and Consent: Consensual Forcible Interventions in Internal Armed Conflicts as International Agreements, 29 Boston University International Law Journal (2011) 


Chapters in Edited Volumes:


The Law of Warfare: 1989-2022, in Cambridge History of International Law (Vol. XII): International Law Since the End of the Cold War (Eyal Benvenisti & Dino Kritsiotis eds. forthcoming Cambridge University Press)


Self-Defense and Non-State Actors and the Myth of the Innocent State, in Global Governance and Human Rights (Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law) (Nehal Bhuta & Rodrigo Vallejo eds., forthcoming OUP)


On the Continuous and Concurrent Application of ad Bellum and in bello Proportionality, in Necessity and Proportionality in International Peace and Security Law 41 (Claus Kress & Robert Lawless eds., Oxford University Press 2021)


Assimilation through Law: Hans Kelsen and the Jewish Experience, in The Law of Strangers: Critical Perspectives on Jewish Lawyering and International Legal Thought 51 (James Loeffler & Moria Paz eds., Cambridge University Press, 2019)


The Soviet Intervention in Hungary (1956), in International Law on the Use of Force: a Case-Based Approach 48 (Tom Ruys & Olivier Corten eds., Oxford University Press, 2018)


Autonomous Weapons Systems and the Obligation to Exercise Discretion, in Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems: Expert Opinions Delivered to the CCW Informal Meeting of Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems, 2016 229 (Robin Geiss ed., 2017)


The Obligation to Exercise Discretion in Warfare: Why Autonomous Weapons Systems are Unlawful (with Eyal Benvenisti), in Autonomous Weapons Systems: Law, Ethics, Policy 245 (Nehal Bhuta et al eds., Cambridge University Press, 2016)


Beyond Life and Limb: Exploring Incidental Mental Harm under International Humanitarian Law, in Applying International Humanitarian Law in Judicial and Quasi-Judicial Bodies: International and Domestic Aspects 185 (Derek Jinks et al eds., TMC Asser, 2014)


Consensual Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect, in The Responsibility to Protect: From Theory to Practice (Andre Nollkaemper & Julia Hoffman eds., Amsterdam/Chicago University Press, 2012) 141 




Book Review: The Crime of Aggression, Humanity and the Soldier by Tom Dannenbaum, 113 American Journal of International Law 664 (2019)


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